You've just downloaded Landsat data; you're 3 lines of code away from a change map
Overall it makes dealing with Landsat data for change detection more efficient and more accessible
With bfastSptial we've tried to streamline this process
You need:
# update existing R packages
#! the line below can potentially download lot's of R packages!
update.packages(checkBuilt = TRUE, ask = FALSE)
# install devtools package
Then we can install the package using the devtools package
# install bfastSpatial from github
# Plot a cloud free recent NDVI layer
plot(ndviStack, 394)
# Call bfmPixel in interactive mode
bfmPixel(x = ndviStack, start = 2010, monend = 2013, interactive = TRUE, plot = TRUE)
# Click on a pixel
We have a tool for that too; try timeSyncR for visual interpretation of time-series
Special thanks to Loïc Dutrieux and Ben DeVries for leading the BfastSpatial effort and also this presentation!